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Crowns & bridges


 Model base prepared for the production of a lower molar crown.

Thermomat - Electrical wax knife with various modelling instruments

  • Quick to take up modelling wax
  • Low heat


Star Waxes offer the maximum amount of ideal modelling characteristics. Carving waxes in various contrasting colours such as aesthetic wax, milling wax, cervical wax, dipping wax.


Not all waxes burn out without leaving a residue. The Star Waxes offer a high standard of casting quality and do not harm the heating furnace.

Star Waxes with Contrasting colours.

Star Wax – Aesthetic wax

Aesthetic wax for the reproduction of natural tooth shades, used when making wax veneers and for training purposes.

Modelling stages

The modelling stages of a full metal crown:
Approximal contacts.

Anatomical equator.


Checking the cusps in the articulator.

Occlusal edges

Completing the outer crown shape.


Tidy wax patterns save time and working instruments.


Star Wax C (red) and another wax brand (blue).

Star Wax C - Cervical wax

  • ideal base wax
  • soft, elastic quality
  • highest precision


Accurately fitting castings depend on both the investment material and the wax quality!

Once the crown has been waxed into the final shape, the cervical margin is re-adapted using the wax knife.

Wax up of the occlusal surface

Finished wax crown with contact points.

Sprue attachment with single crowns

The best casting results are achieved with indirect spruing.


Ensure the sprue thickness is sufficient when casting solid objects!
