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Preparing the customized bar

Starting point for a milled bar construction with four titanium caps, bar (tioLogic©, Dentaurum Implants) for the bonding technique. By means of these caps, we can get the fitting troubles under control which result from the contraction of the metal during the casting process. The contraction of titanium is 1.58%, the one of precious alloy is 1.7% and the one of CoCr alloy 2.2%. If the bars are bonded on the model or ideally, bonded in the patient’s mouth, we shall achieve an absolutely passive fit on the implants.

In order to simplify the bonding for the dentist, already one cap can be bonded with the bar from labside as a „reference abutment“. You can also plan from the beginning to use one tioLogic© plastic cap, bar (Dentaurum Implants) for screwing (not for bonding) which makes the aligning of the bar easier inside the patient’s oral cavity (see tioLogic© prosthetic instructions for use).

Titanium caps bar for adhesive technique and a plastic cap bar.

A trial set-up is obligatory for all implant works of this type and ...

...the fabrication of a labial and lingual putty key for the check of the space conditions.

Plastic copings for the titanium caps are produced by thermo-forming. The inner foil with a thickness of 0.1 mm serves as a spacer for the metal bonder and “room to move” for the cast object. The cap of the outer foil is cut back with a scalpel for the opening of the screw head before the plastic coping is removed and the latter is shortened at the visible border line of the titanium abutment.

The inner foils centre the copings and are only taken out before investing.
